Performance Management - a holistic approach - konektd

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Performance Management – a holistic approach

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Too many companies that I have worked for and consulted to over the years think that by implementing a performance management system, they will automatically have a high performing culture that drives business success. A system is an enabler, something that is designed to make an embedded process easier to manage and more efficient. Companies need to understand that while the right infrastructure and systems will increase efficiency and allow for more productivity, the best of systems are ineffective in the absence of the right organisational culture.

Creating a high performing organisational culture starts with ensuring that employees understand what the strategic objectives of the business are, and how the achievement of those objectives will result in both personal as well as business growth and success. Employees need to be taken through a journey of setting, aligning, and cascading those strategic objectives to departmental, team and individual objectives such that there is a clear understanding of the part that each employee plays in closing the gap between where the business is and where it needs to be.

This process of creating clarity is an ongoing one. It requires constant communication and engagement between employees and managers to ensure that performance is continuously monitored and evaluated to make the necessary tactical adjustments needed to ensure alignment and delivery against company objectives. The role of the manager in creating and maintaining a high performing culture is important as they are required to translate the strategic objectives of the business into tasks that the employee is responsible for. Managers also need to understand what motivates employees and the importance of reward and recognition to get the best out of their people.

After the organisational culture, communication and incentivisation schemes are put in place, a company can benefit from a good performance management system. A good performance management system should produce useful performance analytics that can be used by management to create interventions to boost organisational performance.

Human Capital Matters has a variety of services and training initiatives designed to align people, performance, and strategy to increase organisational effectiveness. For a full listing of our services and online courses, please visit

One of the most useful performance systems for real time analytics is konektd. konektd Companies is an employee performance management platform that provides you with details of how each of your employees are performing with practical interventions like on-demand training, real-time performance feedback to uplift your employees. For more information visit